Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for having allowed a simple cultural and youth association from a small town in the Community of Madrid to have the HONOR of organizing something as beautiful as this convention.

For our municipality it has meant a life that had never been seen before; with failures and annoyances; but the incredible magic that you have brought so many jugglers has made magic last forever.

Thanks to all that team of volunteers and volunteers who made dreams come true.

Happy life and long live juggling


Del 6 al 14 de agosto de 2022 en Tres Cantos – Madrid

What is EJC?

European Juggling Convention (EJC) is the largest juggling meeting in the world. It is held every year in a different European city and attracts several thousand participants each year. The European Juggling Association, known by its acronym EJA, is a non-profit association, which is in charge of coordinating the meeting with the different local committees where it is organized each year.

 Like most juggling gatherings and conventions, at EJC you can find a combination of juggling workshops, performances and shows, as well as juggling Olympics or renegade evenings.

Who is the convention for?

For everyone! The program includes activities for jugglers and circus enthusiasts of all ages and levels. There are workshops for beginners, as well as special master classes at an advanced level. The program is packed with world-class shows and performances. There will be a special slackline area, a gym for aerobatics and aerobatics, a fire place and of course, plenty of space for juggling. Even for those who are not jugglers, since throughout the convention they will learn a lot about the world of juggling and all its disciplines.

Discover EJC2022

  • Sport Hall 24 h free triaining.
  • Camping, Swiming Pools. Tres Cantos Central Park.
  • Renegades, Open Stages, Galas, Shows. Parade. Diabolo Battle. Stree Shows, Fire Gala. Workshops.
  • Food Truck Area, Cocktail Bar, Breakfast Juggler Bar.
  • Skate park, Unicycle Area Acrobatic Hall. Social Circus, Family Area.

And much more.

Who organizes EJC?

EJC 2021 is organized by the Asociación Juvenil 3 Cantos (3 Cantos Youth Association), in collaboration with the Escuela Circo Diverso.

Since many people at “Circo Diverso 3C” speak sign language, we think the accessibility of for the deaf and hard of hearing community is essential, as well as accessibility for all people. We will have Spanish Sign language interpreters, international sign language, and other languages, spoken by some volunteers who have been in touch with the organization. Thank you to @Ruben for the video and thank you to everyone who is working for a world without barriers.
